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SilkRummy is the best rummy site in the online industry. You can vote and comment on SilkRummy. If you have any queries about SilkRummy about gameplay, promotions, offers, etc., you can contact SilkRummy by customer care number or email them to resolve your issues.
Silk Rummy Contact Us:
You can contact Silk Rummy in a number of ways. The easiest thing to do is use the SilkRummy email id. Customer service is a department that is required regardless of the nature of the business. SilkRummy is very customer-centric and receives suggestions from users at regular intervals. Rummy players can solve their problems simply by connecting with the support team at “ ”, whether it is related to payment or gameplay. SilkRummy strives to resolve them ASAP and provide the best Rummy experience. 90% of SilkRummy problems could be solved by the customer service team.
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